Featured Proposal: Sarkis & Roubena
The Happiest Place on Earth just got a little more magical for Roubena and Sarkis! Both being Disney lovers, it was no surprise that Sako chose to propose to Roubena in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland. We sat down with Roubena and Sako to get all the details of how they met, the proposal, and their wedding planning adventures to date.
Roubena, tell us your perspective of the whole proposal.
Sarkis and I have been together for almost 5 years now! From day one it was obvious to the both of us that this was the real deal and we were both in it for the long run! We’re both Disney fanatics and every year on our anniversary we make a trip out to Disneyland. Our 4 year anniversary was one for the books! On February 27, 2018, we made our way Disneyland a little later than usual (he wasted so much time having to “run errands” and I was so mad at him for it). We parked the car and got our things together and finally walked into Disneyland. He suggested we go to the castle and have our picture taken. He needed to stop at the restroom and then we were on our way to the castle. As the photographer starts taking photos, Sako gave his phone to the photographer to take pictures with that as well. We have passes to Disneyland and we can get our pictures on the pass. So when he did that I got annoyed. I started to look around the park and all of a sudden I noticed my sister-in-law, and then my brother. That’s where I knew. And a million things went through my mind. “What are they doing here? Wait! What’s happening?! OMG!! This is it. It’s happening. He’s gonna propose!” And 10 seconds later he was telling me how much he loves me and that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. To be honest I don’t remember much of what he said. I was in shock and all I could do was cry and think “it’s finally happening!” And then he got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife!!!! I said yes! And of course, I cried the entire rest of the day! Having a Disney proposal was the perfect beginning to our story!
1 Year Anniversary
2 Year Anniversary
3 Year Anniversary
4 Year Anniversary: He Proposed!
Sako, had you been planning to propose for some time?
I had been planning the proposal for over 8 months. I knew where I was going to propose. Without a doubt, it was going to be at Disneyland! Everything leading up to that day was nerve-wracking. Just to go and ask her dad for her hand was a mission because I only had one day off and she knows what time I'm usually at her house. So I had to go to her house two hours earlier, while she was at work, so I can speak to him. Her mom wasn’t home so I had to speak to her father alone. I asked him THE question and he gave me his blessing. I was extremely happy! I left her house before she got there only to go back 5 minutes later (I had to lie to her). The next day I called her brother and her sister-in-law to set up the time and date to go to Disneyland.
So Sako how did everything work out on the day of the proposal?
That day was perfect! Everything went smoothly. The funny thing is that we got to the parking lot at the same time as her brother and sister-in-law. We were still by the car when they walked past us... luckily we didn't see them. Once they saw us they hid behind one of the parking columns until we left and gave us some extra time to get onto the tram and into the park. They said they were being so loud and were shocked we didn’t hear them. Finally, we got into Disneyland and walked around. Once I got the okay that they were ready for me, I told her we should take a professional photo in front of the castle. She didn’t want to at first but she finally gave in. Before we got there, I had to stop by the restroom because I was hiding the ring in a little bag in my shoe! (She would have found it if I kept it anywhere else). Once we got to the castle, the first photographer who came to take our pictures (I didn't have a good feeling about her taking the pictures) told us that for some crazy reason her camera stopped working. So she had to call someone else to take the pictures. The second guy came and he had perfect energy. After the first picture, I went to the photographer to ask him to take pictures with my phone. But what I really told him was that I was going to propose. We stood there for pictures (this is where she noticed her sister-in-law recording us) and that's when I got down on one knee and asked for her to be my wife. We were both so happy and she couldn’t stop crying. My future wife looked amazing.
After the proposal, we went on a couple of rides and we all went over to California Adventures to have dinner at Wine Country Trattoria and afterward, watched the World of Color. We had the best day ever. The day she walked into my life, was the day that changed the rest of my life. I will love this woman for eternity. She is the best part of me.
Did you go ring shopping together?
The ring is actually an amazing story. Sako had always known that there was only one person he would go to for the ring. His uncle made the ring for us 8 months before he proposed. Unfortunately, just 2 months prior to the proposal, Sako's uncle passed away. But he left us with one of the best gifts ever. And we will forever be grateful. The fact that he made this ring for us makes it that much more special!
Wow, what an incredible and moving story. Did you two plan a celebration with family afterward?
After getting back from a trip to Armenia, we got started on planning our engagement party. We had a small engagement in June in my parent's backyard and it was perfect! We got to celebrate our life together with our family and friends! It was the perfect start to our journey. We are so thankful for everyone in our lives who support us and love us on the daily!
And of course, we have to ask. How's wedding planning going?
We finally picked a date! Our wedding will be in September of 2019 at L.A. Banquet's Le Foyer Banquet Hall in North Hollywood. And let me tell you planning a wedding has been a crazy ride! There’s literally so much to do and in such little time. But it’s by far one of the best rides we have ever been on and we can’t wait until we get to enjoy the married life!
A special thank you to Roubena and Sako for sharing their proposal story with us. We're excited to hear more about their wedding planning adventures and we'll be sure to feature them again in a future blog post.
And for all of our Disney lovers, here are some previous blogs we thought you'd appreciate!
- Top 10 Disney Inspired Photoshoots
- Top 10 Engagement Photoshoot Locations in/near Los Angeles
- Featured Proposal: Patrick & Tara (another pair of Disney lovers)
- Featured Wedding: Alexis Ohanian & Serena Williams (Beauty & The Beast Theme)
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Tags: Proposal Story , Surprise Proposal , castle , disney , engagement , engagement ring , proposal , surprise